Windows 10 Small White Pages and Size Distortion Issues with my Windows 10 Desktop Icons

  • Thread starter Thread starter Daniel_MelloMetro
  • Start date Start date


Fig. 1

What you see here are my desktop shortcut custom icons. On the right you can see size distortion issues with the custom icon that have persisted throughout all my attempted solutions and on both icons you can see the default white pages on the bottom left.

How it happened

When I noticed my icons were smaller than usual and compressed (Fallout New Vegas shortcut) I decided to try the “icon Cache/Windows Explorer Removal method” I saw on YouTube. This, after a PC Restart, left my icons completely gone with only the shortcut text.

After watching another short YouTube video ( icons are not visible only Names are visible - YouTube ) my icons reappeared but were instead covered by little white pages and still distorted just not completely gone. I’m well aware making smaller custom icons can help the distortion issue, but I'm too satisfied with these icons to change them.

The solution to the disappearance did include some Registry Editor tom-foolery so the white pages could be linked to that specifically.

Attempted Solutions

I have already attempted to remove the 'Icon Cache' file then remove the 'Windows Explorer' several times but it does nothing

Changing the size of the shortcuts through the 'View' option also does nothing.

Side Note

I have 2 monitors and another unrecognized hard drive plugged in (In case it matters)

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