Windows 10 System Restore Not Functioning Windows 10

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mikey-32
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This is my first post here, so please forgive me if I make any etiquette errors.

A week or so ago I lost 2 of the 4 drives in my RAID array, due to a problem in the household electricity supply. It was only during the rebuilding process that I realised just how unwieldly a backup file of 5.2TB really is. A clear variation on Parkinsons Law, where data expands to fill the space available. Anyway, I have learned my lesson, ditched RAID and equipped my PC with a couple of M2 SSDs, (so much faster than RAID ever was), and moved data storage to NAS.

A fresh Windows installation went on without incident followed by applications, and a significant amount of time and effort expended hunting down all the product and licence codes. (Lesson 2, keep the codes in one place), and of course more time consumed waiting for Windows and apps to update themselves. So far so good, once initial settings, (email accounts etc), were made a full system backup followed.

The final step was to take a System Restore, (SR), point. Now I realise that not everyone is a fan of SR, but it has saved me a couple of times from the effects of a Windows update that went wrong.

However, when I invoke SR I receive an error message “There was an unexpected error in the property page.: System Restore encountered an error. Please try to run System Restore again (0x81000203). Please close the property page and try again". Needless to say trying again produces the same result.

I have searched the internet and found some references to Volume Shadow Services not working, but on checking my system it does appear to be configured correctly. Another item mentioned are anti-virus programs being a possible cause. I use Kaspersky and have tried stopping it, uninstalling it without any difference.

Safe mode has been visited a couple of times, but again no progress.

I have invested an amount of time and effort so far, and I really don’t want to waste it by having to start over, I also don’t want to go around blindly changing things only to find I have wrecked my installation.

I’m out of my depth here, I don’t know what I should be checking next, hence this question to you good people who are far more knowledgeable than I.

Any assistance and suggestions you can offer me to resolve this problem, will be much appreciated.

Kind regards.


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