Windows 10 Task scheduler simply refuses to run a batch script

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tinker Alpha
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Tinker Alpha

I know that there have been many different solutions to this problem posted on the internet and various forums, but I have scoured Google for a solution to my problem to no avail. My problem appears to be unique (something that at this rate I do not want).

Now, onto my problem. I have created a scheduled task on task scheduler to change my desktop background image at certain times of the day. I had it call a batch script, which I have confirmed works, to change the background. However, when I run the task or any of the triggers are triggered, I see no background change or cmd window. Yet under "Last Run Result," it says "The operation completed successfully. (0x0)," with the correct trigger/run time. On the other hand, I beg to differ, as the operation did NOT complete successfully :,(. I am out of ideas.

Things I've tried already (that had not worked):

1. Have the action call the batch script (directly)

2. Have the action call a .lnk (shortcut) to the batch script

3. Have the action call a .vbs (VBScript) to the .lnk (shortcut) to the batch script

4. Have the action run "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" with an argument of /c "filename.ext" and with a startup location (no quotes) being the path to the script (not including the script)

5. Have the action run "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" with an argument of /c start "" "filename.ext" and with a startup location (no quotes) being the path to the script (not including the script)

6. Have the action run "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" with an argument of /c start filename.ext and with a startup location (no quotes) being the path to the script (not including the script)

7. Have the action run "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" with an argument of /c start C:\(filepath)\filename.ext and without a startup location

8. Deleted and recreated the task (very painful)

9. Created the folder Desktop in C:\windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile and recreated the task (very painful)

10. Restarted my computer (in hopes of something magically fixing itself)

11. Running sfc /scannow dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth with in hopes of something corrupted would be uncorrupted

FYI: Everything I have tried with the actions has been verified on command prompt and work properly.

My current settings:

1. Running task under my own user

2. Run whether user is logged on or not

3. Run with highest privileges

4. Configured for Windows 10

5. 5 different triggers (all of which work, as shown in how the task is correctly triggered)

6. The action has not worked yet and is mainly what I am tinkering with

7. Everything under conditions is unchecked (including grayed-out boxes)

8. Allow task to be run on demand

9. Run task as soon as possible after scheduled start is missed

10. If the task fails, restart every: 1 minute and attempt to restart up to 3 times

11. If the task is already running, then the following rule applies: Do not start a new instance

Things that have worked:


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