Windows 10 The date created of files changes to match the date modified every time I modify a file within my Pictures folder - any ideas on how to fix this?

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This is a bit of a conundrum to me, and I've tried to figure out what is causing this, but I haven't gotten anywhere. I'm a multimedia artist, so preserving the date created is a necessity to me, so I'd appreciate any help on this matter. Now...

To explain the issue a bit more: essentially, every time I modify a file - I've tested .psd, .rif, .clip, .ai, and .txt - the date of creation changes to match the date modified. In other words, every single time I modify one of these files, the date of creation changes as soon as I save them, and so the details show that the files were created just seconds ago. This is a big issue for me, as having correct dates is what keeps me organized. I've done further testing on this, and have tried to create and save new files in my Documents folder, my Pictures folder, and my Desktop. This issue does not happen in the Documents folder or on the Desktop, but it does happen in the Pictures folder. So it seems to only occur there.

Another issue I've experienced is that my search results within my Pictures folder are empty. So every time I try to search for anything in that folder, the results are nil. So with that issue, plus the change of date created, I think that the problem is my Pictures folder itself. Neither of these problems occur anywhere else.

I know what created the issue, but I don't know what's *causing* it. I updated my Windows 10 to the new Fall Creators update about a week ago, and that is when I started noticing these issues. So for some reason, the Creators update caused my files in my Pictures folder to change the date created to match the date modified whenever I save changes, while also causing my search results to be broken. The entire folder itself is just broken, it seems, though I've never experienced something like that before. That's all I know as for why this might be happening, but I've gotten the issue pretty isolated at the very least.

Does anyone have any ideas? I'd really appreciate any insight whatsoever, and just in case anyone wants them, specs are below for your convenience. Thank you!

- Windows 10 Pro 64 bit

- 32 GB Ram (3200 hz)

- Ryzen 7 1800x

- GIGABYTE Aorus 1080ti Extreme Edition

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