Windows 10 The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.

  • Thread starter Thread starter patrisioushaddad
  • Start date Start date


The problem is obviously as it is , is that I don't have enough memory , this is the message from windows event log right before my whole PC crashes

now the problem is that I don't know what the problem is , let us start with that I have windows 10 and I have limited pagefile.sys to 10gb which is more than enough as I see it since I have 16GB ram and here is the actual problem , the message before paging file is too small was a warning telling me a low virtual memory but here where things dont add up :- only 4gb of memory was in use when my computer crashed:


Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory: Decompress.exe (2084) consumed 2461761536 bytes, chrome.exe (6276) consumed 662761472 bytes, and eclipse.exe (8008) consumed 618754048 bytes.


so I did the mast for you thats a total of :

Decompress.exe 2.461761536 gb

chrome.exe 0.662761472 gb

eclipse.exe 0.618754048 gb

so first of all i have no idea what Decompress.exe is even , second of all i have 10gb pagefile sys and 16gb physical ram , what could the cause be for my computer crashing on 4gb ?

-Things worth noting the crashes are random , I do have 16gb installed ram when I check my PC , I do play demanding games that easily demand 12-16gb ram and I can get consistent several continuous hours in them without crashes , but chrome and other simple apps on togther seem to crash my PC :/.

-Thanks in advance , all help would be appreciated ..

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