Windows 10 The Sign In authenticator window is broken, and I don't know what to do

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Today I've downloaded The Outer Worlds from the Xbox App, started it, and was met with a "You are not signed in to Xbox Live. Cloud Saves are unavailable" message. Weird, I thought, I got this from Game Pass and I'm clearly logged in the app.

Trying to troubleshoot it I realized I couldn't log in in any of my apps that require Microsoft identification - for example, the Xbox Companion app, which I never started before, would give me a 0x409 error and wouldn't let me log in. Not only that, none of the additional links within that window, like asking for a password reset, would work at all. I was still logged in the MS Store and in the Xbox App, but once I tried logging out the latter in order to log in again and see if that fixed it, it wouldn't let me log in at all! Same thing as the companion app, the whole window was unresponsive. It would refresh the page alright, when clicking to log in, but it didn't actually log me in.

I spent the whole afternoon troubleshooting this, which included making sure that Windows was fully updated and so were the Apps, and I followed this very specific help thread. This explained how to manually re-install the Xbox Identity Provider. After a couple of tries it worked and let me in log in back into both the Xbox App and the Companion App: the main problem, however, still persisted, the game would tell me that I'm not signed in. I tried another game, Wargroove, and that also wouldn't work at all as it required me to "Authorize Wargroove to access my account".

That's when I realized what the problem was: anytime the PC should show me the Microsoft account authenticator (not sure about the name but I mean this) nothing would happen. I had fun trying all the other stuff in my PC that I know, for a fact, should make that window pop up, and see that nothing worked correcty. For example, going into Settings > Account > Email & Accounts > Accounts Used by Other Apps, clicking on my existing account and clicking Manage? Nothing would happen. Add a Microsoft Account? Nothing would happen. Everytime a link should've made the Sign In window appear, or a browser redirect window open, nothing would happen.

I know for a fact this used to work. If I go into I can see apps that correctly made the Sign In window appear and in which I successfully logged in, other games that require the microsoft account like MvC:I and Halo - all of which I logged in weeks ago. It appears some Windows update in the last 20 or so days broke the authentication, as I cannot give give consent to any new app. No problems on the web, I can access to all my microsoft, outlook, xbox etc accounts no problem from Chrome and the Sign In window appears fine, it's just everything on my local machine that refuses to work. If I go into my managing my devices I can see my PC is recognized and seen as connected too.

Any help?

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