Windows 10 thumb drive contents do not display correctly

  • Thread starter Thread starter PYANAGAWA
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I assume you are aware that if I want to have identical Outlook data on my office computer and my home computer, that I need to synch the data files from the last used computer to the other computer.

So I use a thumb drive as my travel drive, and copy my Outlook files to the thumb drive from my home computer in the morning, so all the emails and other data in Outlook I worked on the night before are on the thumb drive. Then when I go to the office, and before I do any work in Outlook, I overwrite all the Outlook files on the office fixed drive with my files on the thumb drive. And at the end of the day, I copy the office Outlook data files back to the thumb drive and repeat the procedure at home before I use Outlook at home.

This has worked fairly well for me in keeping all the emails sent and received in one set of Outlook files, and I use a program called Beyond Compare to handle this comparison and transfer.

Recently, however, I have been having issues with Beyond Compare, because Outlook files from home which I know are different from the Outlook files from yesterday at the office should obviously be different when compared. I thought it was a Beyond Compare issue, but it is a Windows 10 issue. If I use Explorer to view the files on the thumb drive, what displays are the files which were on the thumb drive yesterday. Since Beyond Compare gets it data from Explorer, and Explorer does not display correctly, I have had issues.

If I reboot the office computer, the correct files are displayed on the thumb drive. So it appears that there is an Explorer cache which is not being reset, even when the computer is booted up the first time. If I reboot the computer, the correct files show up in Explorer and Beyond Compare.

Why is the occurring, and what can I do to assure that this incorrect display of files on the thumb drive does not occur at initial startup?

I use Beyond Compare to handle the file synching. It compres the files on


updated with the most current Outlook files from the home computer, or else the office files at work get overwritten with new data which does not include data used .

I use a thumb drive as my travel drive to sync files from home and the office, primarily for Outlook. I have been having intermittent issues. I use Beyond Compare to sync my hard drive files to my thumb drive.

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