Windows 7 Trying to install Windows 10, fails

  • Thread starter Thread starter Randy Seedle
  • Start date Start date

Randy Seedle

I have been trying unsuccessfully to update to Windows 10 via a USB stick drive. In the latest
iteration I found most of this information in the system log files.
Any ideas ??

Network Diagnostics Framework stopped because it completed the user initiated diagnostics session.

Result: Cancelled during diagnosis. [0]

Session "ReadyBoot" stopped due to the following error: 0xC0000188

The Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider service entered the stopped state.

0000000174: 2021-04-15 23:30:15:413 Exception <Killing CCC0 Process>: Process with an Id of 4764 is not running.
Exception Called by: ATI.ACE.MOM.Implementation.StateMachineToolkit.Transition::Fire processID:05828 threadID:(MOM_STM_DelegateThread10) domainName:(MOM.exe ) assemblyName:(MOM.Implementation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=90ba9c70f846762e)

Router Advertisement settings have been changed on the network adapter 84. The current M - Managed Address Configuration flag is false and the O - Other Stateful Configuration flag is false. User Action: If you are seeing this event frequently, then it could be due to frequent change in M and O flag settings on the router in the network. Please contact your network administrator to have it resolved.

The Multimedia Class Scheduler service entered the stopped state.

The Windows Filtering Platform has blocked a connection.

Application Information:
Process ID: 1412
Application Name: \device\harddiskvolume2\windows\system32\svchost.exe

Network Information:
Direction: Inbound
Source Address:
Source Port: 5355
Destination Address:
Destination Port: 53377
Protocol: 17

Filter Information:
Filter Run-Time ID: 870731
Layer Name: Receive/Accept
Layer Run-Time ID: 44

Detailed data:
ProcessID 1412
Application \device\harddiskvolume2\windows\system32\svchost.exe
Direction %%14592
SourcePort 5355
DestPort 53377
Protocol 17
FilterRTID 870731
LayerName %%14610
LayerRTID 44
RemoteUserID S-1-0-0
RemoteMachineID S-1-0-0

In setupact.txt I see about five lines similar to this:
2021-04-15 20:09:35, Warning SPGetFootprintCapabilities: Footprint [Footprint.Basic] incomplete; the platform capability will not be available

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