Windows 10 USB devices randomly stop working and will not reconnect to the same USB port

  • Thread starter Thread starter HeinrichSI
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I have a DATAQ DI-1110 voltage sensor integrated into the control system of my smarthouse. The control system is a Windows application I wrote using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008. The control system runs 24/7 on a Dell 8910 Desktop with Windows 10. My problem is that the DI-1110 periodically stops working at seemingly random intervals (anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of hours). When I try shutting down and restarting the device programmatically, the code does not communicate correctly with the device, even though the device shows up on the system Device Manager correctly, i.e. “libusb-win32 devices/DATAQ DI-1110”. When I try unplugging the USB cable and replugging it in to reset the device, Windows 10 refuses reconnect the device to the same USB port to which it was previously connected, failing to recognize the device as “libusb-win32 devices/DATAQ DI-1110” and instead calling it “Universal Serial Bus controllers/Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request failed)”. To make matters worse, Windows 10 refuses to let me reassign the correct driver to the device in the USB port to which it was previously happily connected. To get the device running again, I must connect it to a different USB port, at which point the device shows up correctly on the system Device Manager again (i.e. “libusb-win32 devices/DATAQ DI-1110”) and I can restart my control system. So, any idea what is going on here? I think this is a Windows 10 USB issue, since my DI-1110 worked fine with my house control system for an extended period of time on the Windows XP machine with which I developed the VC++ application. Also, this same issue of Windows 10 stopping recognizing USB devices on specific ports and refusing to let them properly reconnect again has happened with other devices in my control system, i.e. PCSensor’s TEMPer 8, USBRelay’s 8-Channel relay, etc.

Of these 2 problems, I would most like to know why the DI-1110 is periodically stopping in the first place. I suspect there is some Windows 10 process that is periodically messing with connected USB devices. Would love if there were a way to turn the suspect process off.

NOTE: The computer running the control system of my smarthouse is not connected to the internet, and it has never received any updates from Microsoft.

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