Windows 10 Wacom Pen has a lag issues, everyone says "turn off flicks" but there is no "flicks" tab that shows up on windows 10 anymore. HELP!!

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So, judging from what I've been seeing around, this wacom + microsoft issue is like a toxic relationship--neither company is syncing up and yet still try to work out together, meanwhile the right hand does not at all know what the left hand is doing, but neither will admit they're not working out.

The problem: I've had this issue before where I would try to use my wacom pen and then it would lag. It's a maddening, half-second delay that is liable to cause me to go bald out of tearing my hair out of frustration and/or having an emotional breakdown. Maybe both.
Last time this happened, I'm almost 1000% sure that before I had the flicks tab and the whole disabling the flicks thing helped (after searching and searching for solutions.)
This was about...4-5 months ago, I would say?

Now I'm getting the same issue again. The problem now is that the flicks tab has now apparently ceased to exist entirely (though, based on some of the threads I've seen, that may not be an end-all-be-all fix, anyway.) At what point it disappeared, I don't know, and why, I equally do not know.

The most recent software update I have was from late August of this year--2018, in case anyone runs across this in a year or two, finding out the issue still hasn't been resolved as per the familiar trend--however, this issue didn't start until September, I'd say about a week ago. So, I'm inclined not to believe the update is the issue.
That said, who even knows anymore!

I had recently updated my tablet driver, thought that was maybe the issue, rolled back to the previous driver, and STILL have the issue. So, the tablet driver isn't the cause, either.

In fact, all updates and rollbacks have been entirely accounted for, before anyone asks.

I've searched everywhere and about 1/2 of the internet is telling the other half to disable "flicks" while the other half is trying to explain that flicks is literally not existing upon our platforms.

I've tried just about everything: disabling Windows Ink, adjusting pen and touch (turning it off, as well), disabling right-click options.

...Also, this has weirdly happened almost immediately after changing pen nibs--both times--but I don't exactly know why changing nibs would alter the state of the software.
That said, is it possible that something about the pen installation is screwing things up? That literally makes no sense as I type it out, but at this point I'm so desperate I'm grasping for any and all semblance of a straw.

All specs: windows 10--fairly recent update, but not seeming to be an issue--and a wacom intuos medium--update seemingly of no consequence, whatsoever.

Between this recurring issue and the infamous Spring 2018 "phantom desktop update," I'm growing more and more impatient with windows. I've spent more collective time trying to solve problems than actually getting the chance to get anything done. I have no time to be putting my work on hold.

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