Windows 10 Why did Windows 10's latest update brick my PC?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Skywalker91
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I made the utter mistake of giving into the windows update and allowing my PC to update about 3 days ago, ever since I've found an increasing number of things broken and non-functional.

- Microsoft's new version of on-screen magnifier... whih I RELY upon to use my PC properly, has had functionality stripped out, including its integration with microsoft's own line of mice: so now I can't use it efficiently.

- I attempted to create a workaround using the programmable keys on my laptop... only to discover that the all-mighty "creator update" disabled that functionality of my computer as well.

- Then today, Windows finally just broke itself and I lost access to my D-drive: all files, programs, and everything else on the drive poof, gone.

I spent 6 HOURS of the precious time I have on Earth with 3 different tech support agents via the "get help" app: NONE of which helped, and one of which made things worse by having me install a keyboard and mouse manager which ALSO **** itself and crashed upon being installed. The only suggestion I got was "oh just roll back before the update" grand; then what? Live forever in fear of the sword of Damocles looming over me; forever threatening to brick my PC again the isntant I leave it unattended for 2 hours or accidentally let it turn off? This is a WINDOWS UPDATE: I CAN'T turn it off; just perpetually postpone my own Russian Roulette round.

Side note: Microsoft: for the love of all that is holy: STOP "staggering" your update roll outs? I had a discussion with someone else who got this flaming bag of dog **** you call an update nearly 6 months ago and I only got it this past week.l I know WHY you do it: it's so you don't get mobbed by all the people who are reasonably pissed off at being basically used as unpaid beta testers for your badly coded tripe. If you want me to beta test: you're going to have to PAY me.

I've since purchased a new PC because frankly I'm afraid this one is going to burst into flames... I assume Microsoft will compensate me the 3000 dollars your refusal to test your own updates cost me? I shan't hold my breath for any REAL help: considering I still have open files form 5 years ago that had no answer because MS pulled a Todd Howard:
"we aren't planning on doing anything about it."

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