Windows 7 Why the heck did microsoft ruin MY legit OS with their windows update? This copy of windows...

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I built this PC in 2011 for myself. It was to be the central entertainment system for my newly claimed gameroom (would later be called a Man Cave) at the time. It's served it's purpose wonderfully these past four years.

I built it "from scratch". Purchased every single component myself and very thoroughly carried out my very first PC build very slowly. My attention to detail has seemed to have paid off nicely these last few years.

However, there seems to be one little detail I completely overlooked...... Microsoft seems to be ran and staffed by a few too many incompetent, seemingly ignorant screw-ups.

Only a company ran and staffed by a few too many incompetent, seemingly ignorant screw-ups would venture to invade MY computer system's OS and invalidate MY system's Windows Activation and authenticity, FREAKING ERASING !MY! Product ID in the process; on a computer that I personally built FOUR YEARS AGO and clearly remember personally driving from southwest Fort Worth Texas all the way to Richardson Texas (north of Dallas) to a freaking Micro Center to purchase this freaking Windows 7 Premium along with a bundle special on a 2500k CPU and gigabyte motherboard FOUR YEARS AGO and activating my OS immediately after install and updating it weekly for the past 4+ freaking years.

Is there anyone anywhere on this godforsaken planet that has the gall to disagree with first part of the previous sentence?

How do I get this crappy "error" out of my life?

How do I allow myself to trust and depend on Microsoft again?

How do I convince myself to not spend the rest of my life making sure that I never directly spend another dime on any Microsoft product along with making sure to never even use another Microsoft product save for windows?

I search the web and see that this has been a recurring issue with windows 7 since as early as 2010.

How do I justify not becoming anti-Microsoft from this point until infinity?

I've spent 13 years acting as an advocate against seemingly unfair criticism of Microsoft among my personal social circles and broad communities both in real life and online. And now I find myself a victim of a situation that smells of every mainstream general accusation that has continuously been hurled at Microsoft for the past decade and a half.

Please tell why, when I was beginning to find myself so annoyed by a certain intrusive "GWX" (or whatever) process to the point where I was beginning to search how to remove the so-called "free windows 10 uprade" prompter from my systems, within a week I find myself returning home from work to a PC that was ninja updated during off-schedule hours (noon) leaving my OS's validity defunct?


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