Windows 10 Why Windows 10 is so unstable and Microsoft products are so bad?

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Why are Microsoft products so bad?

I'm not trolling. Genuinely I have this question:

How is it possible for one of the biggest companies in the world to create such bad products.

Windows 10 is a disease, the most unstable OS with the worst user experience ever, Windows 7 and XP were way better.

I'm incredibly frustrated, I put so many working hours and money into a personal project. I installed IP cameras on my house and made an AI program that analyzes the video and sends me relevant alerts.
It works really great, the only problem is that it is running in the worst human creation ever: Windows 10.
So even though I bought an expensive PC just for this project, I had to buy the Windows 10 Pro version... It's a computer strictly for domestic use but I can't have a Home version because you guys think it's a great idea to shove updates into people's throat without even asking.

Updates that clearly aren't tested well enough because many times my PC works awful after updates, and then a few days later you guys have the update of the update... What a joke, it makes me think this OS was made by a bunch of amateurs and coding enthusiasts, instead of the best professionals that money can find.
So ok I bought the Pro version for Home usage but still this "Pro" OS does whatever he wants.

First of all it asked me if I wanted to install OneDrive which I said no, but Windows 10 decided to install in anyways which is mind boggling to me.
I uninstalled OneDrive and many other programs that I never asked for, but my files are still under OneDrive directory and there is no way to take them out.

Also this OS starts scanning for viruses whenever he wants. It seems that it was too complicated to add a few lines of code to check the CPU usage, so it doesn't start scanning when you are using it. Same thing for other CPU consuming services that randomly turn on and off.

Now after spending thousands of dollars and many hours, my security system project is pretty much worthless.
I can't run the program and trust that everything will be fine like a normal computer, because there is NO WAY that it doesn't give me a blue screen, an error saying something occurred and Windows needs to be rebooted (while I didn't even touch the PC), or simply stop working no less than once a month.

Today this happened, my personal laptop with Home Version rebooted while I was sleeping and I can't connect using teamviewer to the PC installed in my house, probably it decided to reboot and I'm hundreds of kilometers away so my security system is turned off and there is no way to turn it on.

I turned it on just 2 days ago, that's how long it lasts Windows 10 stability, again... What a joke.

So I can't help but ask myself how it is possible for such a big company to create such bad products.

I have a macbook air that is 9 years old and hasn't been updated in many years. It has NEVER told me that it needs to be rebooted, never shown a blue screen, never I woke up to see that my macbook rebooted or did things that I never asked him to do. How difficult is it for you guys to create something like that? Something that just works, that you can turn on and trust it will do what you need to and nothing else but that.

I've read a lot in and you guys have a lot of canned answers but I can't understand that you expect normal users to follow endless instructions to just get the OS works properly. Can't you make it work properly by default?
I have years of experience coding, debugging and troubleshooting, but it's even hard for me to follow so many instructions.

I see a lot of comments saying those tutorials are greek, and I find it pretty obvious... If it's hard for me I don't want to think about an average user.

You guys need to understand that your customers are not computer scientists or similars, they are just regular people that want their PC to solve problems not to create them.
Windows 10 is really like a hard disease, it's unpredictable, does whatever he wants to do, it's an endless source of problems and you need specialized knowledge to handle it.

Microsoft bought Skype and was able to transform the best communication program into the worst one, making space for companies like Zoom to pretty much eate your lunch. Since you guys took control of Skype I gave it a few chances and never opened it again, even the user interface was terrible (I know that now is less terrible than before but still... It's just a freaking UI).

Not to mention the garbage that edge navigator is. There is no way that I can watch Netflix or Prime Video. As everything that Microsoft does, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it lets me only to watch but not to hear. Then I switch to Google Chrome and everything works fine.

Now I'm totally depressed. I thought that I was going to be able to sell my program to different people, but now I know that is impossible. I just can't look someone in his eyes and tell him that my program is going to make their house safer when you are not here. Truth is it will work for a few weeks and then you will need to be physically there to reboot your damn Windows 10, is not like I think that maybe that's not going to happen, its 100% certain.

Just another example, to post this I had to create an account and had to enter my phone number TWICE, because you guys can't make it work correctly... It's just a simple form guys... And after entering it twice it tells me
We are sorry...
The page you requested is not available at this time.

Classic Microsoft, nothing works as it should.

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