Windows 10 Win10 Jan 22 2018 file sharing with Windows XP and Vista

  • Thread starter Thread starter JimboBigbelly
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Sorry to raise this issue as a new question, but the previous thread at

File sharing between Win 10 and XP

has been locked.

I apologize for raising an old issue, but after reading a lot of posts, I have been unable to resolve the Win10 sharing problem with other PCs I own, Vista or WinXP. The Win2K PC does seem to share reliably with Win10, but the Win10 doesn’t show its shares to the Win2K computer..

In the beginning, I had one Win2K, one WinXP64, and 2 Vista computers. All having shared files, backups for the others, multimedia entertainment files, etc. Has worked for years. The Win2K and WinXP computers are connected through Ethernet, and the 2 vistas are connected using 802.11 using an **** router. Everything was working perfectly.

Until 1 day.

On that day, one of the Vista computer HDDs crashed. Stupidly, I had not clonezilla’ed the HDD, so I tried for days to find how to first restore the Vista on a new HDD I bought, but was not successful. My installation key was lost long ago when a container moving my stuff from Singapore to the US was lost. And I couldn’t find where to get a new Vista disk and key. Sigh.

So I bought a new copy of Win10, hoping beyond hope that the Win10 would work on my older hardware.

Well, it seems to work fine. Except for network file sharing which fails only with the Win10 computer. Everything else still shares fine. Both directions.

So I made the registry updates to the WinXP computer defined in the other thread (ref above), and retested the network, and all the sharing works fine, and communications seems very fast. The username/password challenge box is gone with the WinXP computer, but all else is as it was before.

But still not working with the Win10 computer:

Today I got a huge dump from Microsoft, and the sharing problems changed symptoms. Anyway, here goes a description of my new symptoms:

On the Win10 computer, I made the registry changes outlined above except, where it says "I defined the share tab permissions to accounts: Everyone and Administrators, each account should have full control over the share". In my Win10, the properties to the share tab does not have settings for full control over the share.

Where it says above "I defined the security tab permissions to accounts: Everyone, Administrators, users and my logon username...give full control to each" In my security tab message box, my logon username and users are not present. When I select "Administrators....." and check the full control box then the apply box, I get a message box "Error applying security " and says "an error occurred while applying security information to "Win10 pathname". Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied". Then a Windows security messagebox appears which says "setting security information on: (path)\AccountPictures\desktop.ini". This is confusing, because I have no directory "AccountPictures" but do have a directory "Account Pictures" (with a space) which has no file, it's empty. No desktop.ini file.

WinXP shows the network name of the Win10 computer, but when I try to explore it's shares, the WinXP times out and tells me "I might not have permission to use this network resource" and ultimately tells me "the specified network name is no longer available". Probably because of the security error I received which I detailed above.

The Win10 computer can access all the shared folders and files of the Win2K computer. Believe it or not. But of course, the Win2K can't access the Win10 files. Probably the security issue again.

The Win10 Windows Explorer shows me the WinXP computer, and when I click on the XP icon, after a 90 second delay, it times out and gives me the "WinXP is not accessible" message box.


If I restart (which after today’s dump now takes 2 username/password challenge attempts, before today’s update, it was only 1) sometimes the WinXP computer icon does not appear in the network. When it does and I click on it, it takes about 90 seconds, then the username/password challenge box does not appear (probably because of the registry edits made above) and the shared folders do show up. When I try to copy a large file from a WinXP shared folder to the Win10 folder, the copy fails and sometimes I get the messagebox that WinXP network name is no longer accessible.

The symptom when accessing the Vista computer is somewhat different. I did not make the registry changes to the Vista machine. Again, sometimes the Vista computer shows up in the Network, and when I double-click on the Vista right after the Win10 system is restarted, I get the Vista’s username/password challenge box. After passing the challenge, when I doubleclick on the Vista computer icon I see the shared files, but when I try to open them, after about 90 seconds I see the “VistaPC is not accessible” message box, and sometimes I see the “Windows cannot access VistaPC, check the spelling etc. If I get one of these error messages, I can no longer see any of the shares in Vista, I get that “check the spelling” message box and sometimes get the “Vista PC is not accessible. You might not have permission…..,” and “the remote procedure call failed”.

When I try to copy a file, the win10 local network data throughput and name resolution is really slow. (I can copy small files from the Vista, and even huge files from the Win2K computers). I get good throughput with, though, going via browser to the internet.

One more thing I noticed, but not confirmed. Using Winshark, I see gratuitous ARP packets from the Vista PC, but I believe I have never seen one from the Win10 PC. In Win10’s Advanced Sharing Settings of the Network and Sharing Center app, I do have the “turn on network discovery” box checked. It didn’t work at all without that enabled.

After a standby/resume procedure on the Win10 PC, when I click on network, I see the 90 second green bar traverse across the search bar, but only the Win10 PC icon appears. None of the other computer Icons are present. When I type \\VistaPC in the search bar, absolutely nothing happens. No error message, nothing. Even after the required 90 second wait.

My conclusion is that Win10 file sharing is not ready for public consumption. Maybe win10 to win10 works, but I doubt it. Next I’m going to cruise the Win10 forums to see if I get any clues. For sure, today’s update stinks for the file sharing issue. I think Microsoft needs to hire a network engineer who knows something, like how to use a network analyzer and who has access to different PCs with different OS networking environments. I remember back in the day when we were debugging the 1394 and USB networking, we had to do exactly that, and I remember when I think it was Mark Williams connected over a hundred USB devices before we got a blue screen. At WinHEC. Ah, a “proud day in the life”………..

Anybody gotta Vista install disk and key they want to sell me? Or has anyone been able to make this work without registry edits (which should be unnecessary).

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