Windows 10 Windows 10 Install, Upgrade and Activate: DON'T DO IT! Left my lovely W7 for this abomination!

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My Windows 7 was beautiful. It was smart, insightful, responsive, organized, cooperative, easy to use, and never forgot any of my actions.

My Hp, after 8 years (and more powerful than the HP I just bought), finally outlived its abilities to continue. So, having heard the outcries against Windows 10, I gritted my teeth and moved forward to buy a new PC with Windows 10. These are my observations:

Windows 10 is designed to force owners to use Microsoft apps. You have no alternative. Microsoft products are clunky and I prefer to use my own more sophisticated software PROGRAMS than inferior cute apps. Microsoft W10 is not designed for serious computer users, as always, but for the SAGA CANDY CRUSH tablet experiencers. And, the OS forces the user to struggle when changing the system's default programs (yes, MS still uses the term program) allowing only the apps folder to be the reference folder for apps to be used as default APPS, not including my more powerful software programs. So, I chucked the store and all of its' APPS. I never cared for Microsoft programs anyway.

After chucking the Store... OUT THE WINDOW, I am till shackled to the other internal components that ridiculously continue to search for them. Now my OS is like a strange creature inside my computer aimlessly searching for its' marbles. I feel sorry for this miserable creature, my OS, because Windows 7 never behaved with such a lack of intelligence and intuitiveness. I guess my OS is like a blond secretary in the 70's. Good enough to answer the phone while doing her nails, but not intelligent enough to give a key to the OFFICE.

I will now delve into the system and begin slowly pulling out the crap that comes with the OS relying on the Windows APP environment, that is until I bite the bullet and install Linux... thank God for Open Source. The Open Source guys left the Window/MS environment before their brains fell out of their heads and lay useless upon their desks. That is a more perfect analogy: Windows 10 is perfect for a zombie world! Honestly, killing it would be the most merciful act of kindness one could do for it.

Onto the reanimation of Windows 7. Yes, the designers of Windows 10, 12-15 years later, tried to build Windows 10 by using the Windows 7 components they no longer understood and create Franken10. Yup. It is very apparent that the new software designers are only pieces and parts of what was once a sophisticated and ingenious group of early software developers who really new their stuff. My hats off to them as they developed a powerful OS with little need for handling. Good guys... glad they are now supporting Linux' development and not witnessing this butchery first hand. To the point, this OS tries to be 7... truly tries to be better than 7, however as much borrowing done here as has been done, you broke it. You broke it and threw away the telemetry. Yea.... you did and this is horrible. You should feel shame and regret for ever becoming a software engineer... or un-gineer. You gave up your self-respect to design an OS that needs attention... needs to know what everyone is doing and "How can I help?" I don't need your help. You must at least be able to understand that Joe Q using his machine... doesn't need your help or your tinker toy apps. A better idea: Create 'Windows I Don't Know what I Am Doing, Do It For Me' and 'We're here if you need us.' Let the consumer choose, because in this case, what has occurred is Windows users are building a better Windows by fixing this atrocity in the Open Source community. Alas, a light in the distance.

Within a few years the 500 million computers with Windows (because that is what computer builders must use if they are not APPLE) will not have a Windows OS. No, Microsoft will be like Montgomery Wards. Do you remember Montgomery Wards? No. Well in about 25 years no one will remember Microsoft either.

Last thing... I killed TrustedInstaller. Believe me, he had it coming. Now... I am in control. Complete and absolute control... well, maybe not complete control because the app environment still exists. No worries, I will find the cave it lives in and eradicate it with... Linux! Just a matter of time. By the way... I love my HP... still the same old great stuff, never tries to second guess me as a consumer. Always... oh, wait. What is that Windows HP JUMPSTART App doing here? Simple enough and gone. Don't worry, I won't replace you, HP, with APPLE products... unless.

So MS guys, keep doing what you are doing... your company has run its course and now it's a matter of time before the villagers come with pitchforks and FIRE...

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