Windows 10 Windows 10 - Mouse cursor sticks to edge between multiple monitors

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I'm actually just here because the previous thread Windows 10 - Mouse cursor sticks to edge between multiple monitors Was locked with an unsatisfactory resolution of " Report it in the Hub App" Instead of the actual solution which i believe i have.

The Issue: Based on what people said this solution isn't going to resolve the issues for everyone but will resolve it for SOME people. For those who don't know or don't want to read the older thread; I Ran into this issue on Windows 10 OS Build 19041.685. (20H2 Update) Where Snapping was constantly taking over when trying to drag applications between the monitors, Disabling Snapping worked for dragging just fine but I really enjoy the Snapping feature for making the pages longer and the 50/50 feature and disabling it made it less productive.

That being said when I looked at the original postings online I noticed the issue is at least 5 years old, and needed a 3rd party application to fix it. This was unacceptable in my eyes. So I looked around the thread and tested some things to eventually find a solution while messing around. In Short

In the event that you have a GAP between the Monitors you may actually need to just swap between the screens Faster with the application, instead of going slowly.


Step 1: First things first: Check to make sure your Dual Monitors are setup correctly, If they are you'll see them in the Settings > Display, Similar to the image below.

Step 2: Check your Display Settings for your monitors and see if you can get the monitors to touch, In the event that you can, the Snap feature shouldn't be a problem afterwards. If it is, your issue is something else. If there is a Gap between the monitors move to step 3.

The Image below shows how Monitor 1 is clearly touching Monitor 3 & Monitor 2, This means that they will work fine without the snapping feature interfering, But Monitor 3 & Monitor 2 Have a small Gap between then, that means the snapping feature will Interfere and causing 'sticking'.

Although i was not able to fine an OFFICAL Microsoft solution for this & I believe Microsoft should add a 2nd Feature in the Monitors page to allow Snapping between monitors/not (Easy Toggle button), I did figure out how it currently works & a reasonable Workaround.

Step 3: In the event that you have a GAP between the Monitors you may actually need to just swap between the screens Faster with the application. When I was trying to fix this personally I noticed that if I Drag the application slowly, The snap feature kicks in. But if i do it substantially faster then normal(Or Increase Mouse Speed) it works just fine without snapping & without a 3rd party Solution/Adjusting settings.

I Hope this helps! If this doesn't Solve your problem then unfortunately I don't know what the problem is/its a different problem all together.

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