Windows 10 Windows 10 random crash. My first dump and BSOD probably on this Pc. KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED ffffffff`c0000005 . PC parts, drivers or what it see

  • Thread starter Thread starter Saucoj
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Hello. So I have the dump file attached and I don't know how to read or open all the text inside it. I allow anyone to open the text and what it contains for the possible crash reason. Consider too low voltage in idle for CPU as one possible one.

My onedrive link for the dumpfile in raw form: 082818-11093-01.dmp

I have done some CPU OC and my GPU automatically overclocks itself. My RAMS are like 2.5 years old. 2133mhz ddr4 from my older rig, just updated cpu 2 gens and gpu 1 up.

Anyway, I kept the same PSU. So my PSU and RAM are the same in the system. My pc parts are the following:

My pc parts are:

i7 8700k


ROG Strix z370-H (newest bios)

860W P-860 (xp2) modular ATX-PSU, 80 Plus Platinum, semi-passive

Kingston 16GB (2x8GB) HyperX Fury DDR4 2133 MHz, CL14 I'm running default timings from my Bios on it.

Sandisk 480GB ULTRA II SD 2.5" SATA, 500/500MB/s

Noctua NH D15s

This contains a lot of rambling. There are some things about my CPU settings down below if ctrl+F "45x" for example. Also asking why my CPU doesn't reaaally idle. Like it downclocks sometimes to really low, but for half a second, then maybe drops from 4.5hz to 4.2ghz and goes back to like 4.4ghz. Maybe like 4ghz is avg for it and some voltages don't drop really the following ones: +5v, +3.3V, +12V, VIN3, VIN4, VIN6, VIN7 <--- Vin7 is on constant 1.216V and my Vcore is max 1.200V atm on HWmonitor. S my VIN7 is more than my Vcore, and is static number. I mean the VIN7 is on static voltage. It seems to be DRAM voltage since that voltage is the same in HWiNFO64. Could be just memory, aka RAM? Not cpu related? Also Intel Extreme Tuning Utility says that my Cache is on static with a yellow text. And I don't remember setting it static in Bios. Sometimes I tinkered with XTU, to see live what the settings do. But I don't think it's affecting my settings now. My Bios is the main source for that. Or else XTU would've probably overwritten my settings. Or, maybe I didn't touch the static cache there and XTU is handling it. Don't want to change it to adaptive from that software though, or would it be harmful. I know softwares like that are bad, I use it for monitoring on top of HWiNFO64 and HWmonitor. I have balanced power mode on Windows, C-states enabled, SVID support on so I can use adaptive vcore voltage. But my cache may be on static, is that normal or not? And the CPU sits on 4.08ghz usually. Also my Load Line Calibration is at 5 . Asus board btw.. Strix boards ain't good.

I'm asking these questions alongside this, since I haven't been answered properly on /r/overclocking and I had really well written thread. Not like this, not full of rambling. Just straight to the business, bios pictures, under load pictures, what's the deal about and few simple questions. You can look it up under an username "Kustomised". I don't think I can link those, but my recent thread there contains relevant and recent information about my hardware.
I just want everything under control, working, worries about frying parts like now I'm worrying super hard since it was my first BSOD probably, since I got dumpfle, so it is 100% bsod? I'm really worried about that. Also I had MB switch at one point, so it might have lost the other dumpfiles, 1,5months ago maybe or 2. But still don't remember myself crashing often at all. Like really seldom and never saw bluescreens. Just PC that has been shutdown and I have no idea why. Maybe CPU voltage drops too low in idle and shuts down..? Since due to my knowledge I'm running semi low ones, 45x core and 42x cache and 1.200v maxing out vcore. And my CPU idles at like 0.704V minimum recently. Idk has it dropped lower. Maybe it's a good sign that my crash wasn't while playing or anything else. Just tabs open, stream open in them and I wasn't even touching the PC for an hour.

about the reddit thread -> (different settings now, the pics don't mach. Providing if needed. Hope they are not needed.)

I updated my Nvidia drivers after the crash also, if it had anything to do with it. Also I was handling very many YouTube video links, programs etc. But I have had more tabs open and it hasn't caused a crash. My OC in HWiNFO64 says IA: Max Turbo Limit "Yes" under Performance limit reasons on CPU. But I have already tested this current clock well with prime95 torture tests. And it stopped giving me few other limit reasons, no more also workers crashing in Prime95 (yet, *knocks on wood*).

This was the only dump file I had. I'm not sure was it BSOD, but the file seems to say that it was some sort of bluescreen when I googled few of the bugs+something. Don't remember well. But yea, these RAM sticks have been working well. I got these new pc parts (except rams are 2.5 years old and PSU too as I mentioned earlier) like maybe close to 2 months ago. My MB is poor, it has 6 vrm power phases, even though it was more expensive than the good ones. Like the good ones are 160€-170€ and I got ripped 180€~ , didn't know about the vrm power phase think when buying, found out later.

I have posted my Bios settings to Overclocking reddit, and some people noted nothing unusual about them. Well the thread didn't reach much attention. But anyways I think it's an okay overclock and seems stable to me. I only can't monitor VRM's but I think my Motherboard checks how hot those are but doesn't have sensors. Since my Bios has options for VRM like, ignore the heat limits etc. I haven't changed them, except VRM SPREAD SPECTRUM. That I disabled, people recommended for OC. And when I read about it, it didn't seem too bad. Anyway, I can't know if my system is overheating, I have a good cpu cooler in my opinio and PSU shouldn't easily also do stuff like that. Been working well till now, and RAM is usually more unsteady. Unless it started crashing now for the first time, but still knocking on wood. Since I had to RMA my Rams back then when I bought my parts 2.5y ago when I had my old rig.

When the code is checked and somebody may have an idea, like if it says that Nvidia driver crashed me or something else, then I'll try to fix that. And hope fingers crossed that it wasn't pc parts fault. I don't know is like first or second crash ever on newer parts something I should start to worry about?

I don't even remember when it last crashed, and when it did. It was actually too low voltage Prime95 torture stress. CPU had no enough voltage etc. So I haven't had like suspicious BSOD's. And also I'm not sure did I have BSOD now since my monitor was in sleep mode. My Pc casually shut down when monitor was in sleep mode. I did a mistake and instantly pressed PC's start button. I know it was a mistake, since if it was PSU the PC wouldn't have restarted if I recall correctly the last time when I was trying to figure my PC out when the RAM was failing. I got different manufacters RAMs back then. So I don't think my current ones are bad, maybe the Corsair ones were. I still don't believe it could've even been PSU. And sleep mode is scheduled for me in 2 hours of no activity, monitor sleep in 1 hour.

I was texting for 1h30min. Also I don't think that I had any Windows updates, since I went to check my update history. And Nvidia for me doesn't force them. Kinda bugged that I didn't see was it bluescreen and what error code there was. It's probably in the dumpfile.

I had a lot of pages open on Chrome, like 60. But most of them were semi demanding ones, Videos on pause, don't know is that demanding or not. And some random webpages, 2 of them auto refreshing as their function. Probably not too much, since I tried to google chrome pc crash if too many tabs are open etc.

Anyway. My GPU is not Overclocked by me, it OC's on default depending on it's temperature and MSI GAMING X one should have good cooling. The cpu also, and I have 5 120mm fans. Also my fan curves are pretty aggressive. I had nothing which was stressing for GPU open, no games in the background, none of that. Hmm also I don't know do streams play in the background when opened in tab but muted.. Well I had then a stream also in those tabs playing at full quality.

Anyway. If the problem is something which could be pc part related. I can post bios pictures and HWiNFO64 torture test temperatures, after some extreme time spy testing also. Since Prime95 torture is about CPU and I need to test GPU a bit. But that 3dmark tests cpu and gpu both a little. Don't have GPU tester to my knowledge downloaded.

Also I have ran my pc for days with these Bios settings.. And I doubt that it would crash in desktop mode after not being touched for an hour. I'm still kinda worried and upset that the whole shutting down thing happened. Since it is one more worry on top of the others. Since at one point I worried about my OC settings, Bios etc and was fixing and modifying stuff for 3 days straight. Like 12 hours on the PC. And it was really boring and felt like a huge waste. Since I couldn't play any games. Now I've been playing for two to three days with these new settings. I'd say that nothing much changed.
Only it's kinda weird that when I didn't change much and I actually balanced it more since I lost so many performance limit errors. I took off power consumption limit, aka tdp packet power consumption sizes. 95 TDP used to be a limit with short 115W boost or something like that. Now in torturetest it can go to 1150W-130W, usually sticks on 130W without AVX offset. And it's running Avx workload. But I've been playing games like Fortnite etc, with low settings. Nothing that stressing. The TDP has been probably lower than 100W for sure, but occasional spikes still when I play something else. Except I haven't in recent days.

Is it possible that any stress testing earlier has fried/broken something, which now acts in a weird way? But don't know what yet since there's no often occurring crashes. *knocks on wood*, man gotta knock so many times on wood. I would phrase that other way. If it seems like PC part related, I can't really know which one is causing it. Don't want to say yet, because this beauty has been working good.

My last rig which crashed a lot due to RAM was a lot different. Faulty stuff crashes a lot more, and if like my GPU is becoming fried it would probably give other code, crash in 100% load etc. Motherboards are weird, can't say anything about that. CPU, ehh not really since I monitor it all the time and it can withstand tests really nice. Only thing which I can't see are the VRM heats.

My Vcore is pushing like 1.210v-1.230v at max. Other voltages are on my motherboard defaults, and some CPU related are probably on Intel/Motherboard ones. I have speedstep and turbo enabled. But to my knowledge turbo when enabled doesn't work, if you have overclock.

My Overclock btw is 45x core multiplier, aka sync all cores 45x, c-states enabled, vrm spectrum disabled, xmp not on, most stuff on Auto, cache 42x multiplier max, min 8x. Vcore is on adaptive totaling like 1.210v voltage.. ohh, no totaling 1.200v max I checked. VID is 1.210v. VIN3 1.080V CONSTANT I don't know why it's constantly on that voltage.
+5V 5.040V
+3.3V 3.360V
+12V 12.192
VIN4 1.952V
VIN6 1.008V These are from HWmonitor, not HWiNFO64. But what I've seen those show the same things pretty much. Except HWiNFO64 may have different names for stuff.
VIN7 1.216V BTW, my PC is doing Blend test atm on Prime95. It isn't the most CPU intensive. The torture one above stresses my pc more, this was like more balanced stress test and tests ram also. Since I can't use usb/floppy/disc, anything like that currently for Memtest. Maybe when I can buy Usb-stick and at this moment I really doubt anything like that. Could be when there was RAM load, but hope not. Now doing Prime95 stresses just to test some bits of my RAM. I can't ofc know which packages it is taking. So, might not find anything. For example when my RAM was faulty when I ordered Corsair ones. I did 16h Memtest test, and I had 2 sticks plugged in. No problems in the test.

When I couldn't figure what was wrong, I sent all my parts, my whole pc to where I ordered it. And it was RAM's fault.. I didn't test 1 stick at a time. So I know this stuff can show positive etc. Now since I have S model of Noctua I have more working area under the cooler and may be up to that if it comes to it. And even if I don't start crashing I will probably just incase check if it has something sneaky. Like when my RAM got faulty, it crashed maybe once in 10 days, but started occurring more often. First it happened in the game called Rust, then on destop.. then it was 5 mins after booting. Not fun.

But yea.. Enough of rambling. I add few parts more. I'm running Windows 10 64bit Home version, original copy of course. Windows is up to date, don't remember downloading any recent drivers to anything.. New installations yes, but no new drivers. I mean like plugins, addons and some game files.

Also if anyone can solve one thing for me. Why I have my CPU at 4.5ghz most of times, even though my vcore is on adaptive. Cache could be on static, at least Intel Extreme Tuning Utility says say on CPU Cache, that it's static. Written in yellow.

My powerplan has minimum of 5%, it's in adaptive. I have also set up all the things in a way it could sleep. Previously I didn't have cache at 42x though at all times. I had too little of voltages, avx offset on (caused problems), my CPU ran on 4.7ghz no problems and cache was hovering in 4.3ghz or more. But it was throttling due to some limits etc. Like powerlimits, ICCMAX for example is at 255 right now. And the CPU powerlimits are at maximum since the CPU doesn't draw more than it needs. I don't know is my MB designated to withdraw 110W-130W CPU power consumption on torture tests. But it was one thing that was throttling me, having too little power draw. Now I'm at 4.5ghz core, but cache is 4.2ghz. It was previously too, but it was throttling, like. I played games, no fps drops nor crashes. But HWiNFO64 was saying Yes on performance limits at many parts. And cache fixed it, so I think it was downclocking or something else. And now if it's static but too much, maybe like VRM on Auto thought it was too much. Then I don't know. Since that, that I've been running only for 4 days. Wouldn't go back to those old settings though since I had problems with those. And automatic settings ramps up the voltage too much. I can run decently low voltages on my chip, tdp packets are the problem but it was prime95.. It's a good chip still, I just upped the voltages really much when it didn't work steady in Prime95 avx workload without offset. Like +0.30v. So I could run this even lower voltage. So the Auto settings are out of window, and I don't want to run the Intel/Asus boost. Like it harms too much the pc. I know I can set up manual vcore and rest on Auto, but still. I have enabled and disabled features, not upped all the clock rates. And still most things are on Auto or defaults after Bios update to the latest.

GPU settings I haven't touched in Bios, and I feel like it isn't even done in Bios. Afterburner I haven't touched either, only ramped up the curves.

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