Windows 10 Windows 10 Sluggish after Clean install - System Resource Use Low

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Dell XPS15 Laptop

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.60 GHz
16.0 GB RAM


nvidia GEForce GTX 960M

OS: 19042.685

Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.551.0

About 2 months ago I did a clean install since it had been a while and I had installed and uninstalled many apps. I do it out of habit too every other year or so.

Over the past 2-4 weeks it has gotten VERY sluggish. Especially all browsers and in some apps like MAIL. Weird thing is the performance monitor is barely showing any activity. CPU doesn't usually break 50%. Memory is around 45. And Disk doesn't fluctuate much at all but there is definite sluggishness and a lack of the snappy response it used to have. Even bringing up a File explorer window takes like 3-4 seconds and then it draws in contents slowly.

I tried everything I could find: Registry clean, driver updates (I THINK I have all of the major updated ones?), change system settings to "for performance", Uninstalled all unnecessary apps, make sure page file was set properly, disk defrag (nothing found)... anything an online search could help me with but nothing worked.

I got tired of chasing the gremlin around so I did ANOTHER recovery 2 days ago and this time did a full wipe of the hard drive with the standard windows recovery utility. Installed drivers and only did web browsing (I use mostly Edge) but it's STILL sluggish.

Is there a setting I'm missing? A driver I failed to update or reinstall? Is my NVME tired? Was there a windows update that's causing this?

Any help would be great!

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