Windows 10 Windows 10 takes 5 minutes on startup to find and connect to my Wifi 5GHz

  • Thread starter Thread starter agulab
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I have a dual-channel router and a dual-channel wifi device on my laptop Asus Strix GL502VS.

Because of some connectivity issued I had recently with a WiFi range extender at my house, I configured my laptop to only know the 5GHz WiFi so it never connects to the 2.4Ghz.

The problem I'm having is that Windows 10 takes up to 5 minutes to discover this 5GHz wifi connection and connect to it. Before that time, it sees the 2.4 connection and a lot of others from my neighbors, but it seems as if it only started to scan 5GHz channels after 5 minutes passed.

That is a problem, because I have to wait for 5 minutes after every Windows startup to connect to the internet. Sometimes I check every now and then the "available networks" panel but it only shows 2.4 networks, and other times I just wait without doing anything and eventually every 5GHz networks appear and it connects to mine.

I want to know if there's any way to configure my network adapter to start scanning for networks on 5GHz first. I have already configured it to prefer that band in Adapter properties > Configure > Advanced settings > Preferred band, but it seems that Windows is scanning wireless channels really slowly, or starting to scan 5GHz channels after 5 minutes for some reason.

I have searched over the internet exhaustively for an answer to this problem, but only found people having the same problem and zero solutions. I have already checked my wireless driver and it's up to date. I have created a wlanreport with

netsh wlan show wlanreport

and the last lines fo the report show this:


[+]El sistema operativo se inició a la hora del sistema ‎2019‎-‎05‎-‎31T20:42:16.500000000Z.

[+]CDE notificó la llegada de un adaptador L2

Interfaz: {722533D6-1F9E-4187-ACC4-51382DE71B96}

Tipo: Ethernet.

[+]El servicio de Configuración automática de WLAN se inició correctamente.

[+]CDE notificó la llegada de un adaptador L2

Interfaz: {6A4CFB3B-AC9C-40A7-B98B-3DD2A4E62E90}

Tipo: Wlan

[+]El módulo de extensibilidad de WLAN se inició correctamente.

Ruta de acceso del módulo: C:\WINDOWS\System32\IWMSSvc.dll

[+]Se aplicó un token de interfaz

Interfaz: {6A4CFB3B-AC9C-40A7-B98B-3DD2A4E62E90}
Tipo de medio: Wlan
Manual habilitado: true
Filtro manual: IgnoreProfileList
Núm. manual: 0
Perfiles manuales:
Auto. habilitado: false
Filtro automático: IgnoreProfileList
Número automático: 0
Perfiles automáticos:

[+]Se aplicó un token de interfaz

Interfaz: {6A4CFB3B-AC9C-40A7-B98B-3DD2A4E62E90}
Tipo de medio: Wlan
Manual habilitado: true
Filtro manual: IgnoreProfileList
Núm. manual: 0
Perfiles manuales:
Auto. habilitado: true
Filtro automático: AllowProfileList
Número automático: 1
Perfiles automáticos: Nakamoto5

[+]El servicio de Configuración automática de WLAN inició una conexión a una red inalámbrica.

Adaptador de red: Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260
GUID de la interfaz: {6A4CFB3B-AC9C-40A7-B98B-3DD2A4E62E90}
Modo de conexión: Conexión automática con un perfil
Nombre de perfil: Nakamoto5
SSID: Nakamoto5
Tipo de BSS: Infrastructure

[+]Se inició una asociación de red inalámbrica.

Adaptador de red: Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260
GUID de la interfaz: {6A4CFB3B-AC9C-40A7-B98B-3DD2A4E62E90}
Dirección MAC local: 28:16:AD:BC:DC:5C
SSID de la red: Nakamoto5
Tipo de BSS: Infrastructure
Autenticación: WPA2-Personal
Cifrado: AES-CCMP
Habilitado para 802.1X: No

[+]La asociación de red inalámbrica se realizó correctamente.

Adaptador de red: Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260
GUID de la interfaz: {6A4CFB3B-AC9C-40A7-B98B-3DD2A4E62E90}
Dirección MAC local: 28:16:AD:BC:DC:5C
SSID de la red: Nakamoto5
Tipo de BSS: Infrastructure
Protección de trama de administración habilitada: 0x100000000

[+]Se inició la seguridad inalámbrica.

Adaptador de red: Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260
GUID de la interfaz: {6A4CFB3B-AC9C-40A7-B98B-3DD2A4E62E90}
Dirección MAC local: 28:16:AD:BC:DC:5C
SSID de red: Nakamoto5
Tipo de BSS: Infrastructure
Autenticación: WPA2-Personal
Cifrado: AES-CCMP
Modo FIPS: Disabled
802.1x habilitado: No

[+]Se realizó con éxito la seguridad inalámbrica.

Adaptador de red: Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260
GUID de la interfaz: {6A4CFB3B-AC9C-40A7-B98B-3DD2A4E62E90}
Dirección MAC local: 28:16:AD:BC:DC:5C
SSID de red: Nakamoto5
Tipo de BSS: Infrastructure

[+]El servicio de Configuración automática de WLAN se conectó correctamente a una red inalámbrica.

Adaptador de red: Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8260
GUID de la interfaz:{6A4CFB3B-AC9C-40A7-B98B-3DD2A4E62E90}
Modo de conexión: Conexión automática con un perfil
Nombre de perfil: Nakamoto5
SSID: Nakamoto5
Tipo de BSS: Infrastructure
Tipo de PHY: 802.11ac
Autenticación: WPA2-Personal
Cifrado: AES-CCMP
802.1x habilitado: No
Oculto: false

[+]Cambio de capacidad en {6A4CFB3B-AC9C-40A7-B98B-3DD2A4E62E90} (0x47008000000000 Familia: V4 Capacidad: Internet MotivoDeCambio: ActiveHttpProbeSucceeded)

That first line means System startup in spanish, but only at 22:47:34 the first connection takes place.

What can I do to solve this? Is there a way to tell Windows 10 to just try to connect to this known 5GHz connection every time it starts up, instead of having to wait for it to scan every possible wifi channel and taking 5 minutes to find and connect to the only connection it knows?


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