Windows 10 Windows 10, why is my proxy service being turned on, why is Microsoft Store slow to connect or won't connect at all? Possible Solution!!

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I had to share this info.

After digging deep off and on for several weeks I figured out the solution to these issues. They appeared to work for me anyway. I hope they will work for you. I won't go into all the maybe's and possible causes but I found I had two separate programs (apps) that were causing my issues. The first issue was causing the second. Malware Bytes had a switch in the preferences/settings that forced itself to use a proxy service. If the switch was on the system would turn the service on. I turned it off. Had another program. Video Downloader Ultimate that turns it on. I set that program to always be off unless I want to use it. It does turn the proxy service on. Now that I know that, I just need to remember to go into the settings and turn the proxy service off when I am done using it.

While the proxy service is on my system showed many of the symptoms of the "can't connect to the Microsoft Store app issue." After trying most of the well intended answers I've seen that didn't work, I never saw any mention, "check your proxy setting" I saw a reference in a post about the port. It mentioned one of my programs and said it used that proxy port. I checked into it. The program was turning the proxy service on. You might have an app or two that is turning it on. If that be the case, consider what I've shared here to help you fix your problem. Remove the app, make sure the preferences are not affecting it. Or try another way. I really don't know what to suggest to help you isolate the guilty program. Just be meticulous. I just connected some dots that helped me Forest Gump my way into fixing mine.

I'm posting this to share what worked for me! Good luck!

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