Windows 7 Windows 7 Boot issues. System keeps rebooting in the middle of the boot cycle

  • Thread starter Thread starter FadFad67
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I have a windows 7 machine 64 bit I7 I built a while back that is having boot issues now on the SSD drive.

1. It will not boot normally or from safe mode and reboots in the middle of the boot

2. It tries to fix itself at the reboots by doing self repair and fails

3. I did manually remove traces of all esrv.exe from the registry about 2 months ago but I also did do a registry backup before doing that and I did restore the backp registry I created but that did not fix the issue.

4. Not sure if this issue is caused by driver issue or corruption or malware or virus as you can see below

Here is what I have tried so far

1. Tried safe mode first

2. Tried last good configuratoin second

3. Tried restore point but apparently did not have one on this machine (surprised Doh)

4. Tried to run windows self startup repair and came up with these:

- on Problem Signature 07: baddriver

- Problem sinature 02: 6.1.7600.16385

5. Next I tried to disable auto rebbot at falure from the F8 menu and I got a blue screen BSOD when it tried to boot

- Stop: 0x0000007B

6. Next I booted from the original Windows installation CD it ran for a while then failed

7. I tried to run it again and ever since the first time it keeps telling me this disk is not the right version and I have a version mismatch. what !! hmm!

8. I tried everything possible command from the command line and nothing seems to work. such as the bootrec, chkdsk etc.. btw it is disk d: for some reason and not c: which I was expecting to see.

9. I booted into a knoppix CD to view the ntbtlog.txt file as I was not able able to view it with WinDir and it opens garbage. I did notice it is not getting updated even though I enabled logging several times. it is about 76K big but but few days old and I can't seem to be able to view it to see where it is stopping at.

Here is where I am at. I think it is a driver issue as all of my hardware checks out fine. The reason why I think I have a driver issue is I did updated my video driver recently and that could be the issue but I am not sure how to nail it down yet.

I do like challenges and this one is presenting a tough challenge for me. I can resinstall windows but this would be a way out for me and raisng the defeat flag and I am not willing to give up just yet. I do have the original windows CD so I can re-install, that is not a problem but then I would also have to re-install over 50 applications as well as this is my workhorse for music and video editing and much more. So this is a callout for help and I appreciate any help I can get. I consider myself fairly technical but at this point I am stumped. Thanks for your help in advance.

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