Windows 10 Windows and the Web.

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Bill I hope you know that they turned Windows into Chrome and it now is as bad as Chrome is on low or bad web, USELYZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZESS

If I wanted a Chromebook I don't need one. I have and glad to say I have found something I will use it for that is a EgdeBook. Now, that they have stopped the auto updated. I only have it because my brother gave it to me it when I was waiting for a part for my old Windows computer I had. It needed a part and had no other to use.. He did like the Chromebook as an idea. He writes software and in many types of software languishes, I think most if not all. I'm not that smart but I did solve one of Chromes unsolved app builds you now the thing like Microsoft does with people get them to help, I did it and times I still do. But this thing had gone unsolved for 10 years and in your would that like 100,000 in real time. So I put my mine to work on it while I chatted with someone running a group and had an answer in about 3 minute. I scribbled on a paper you know of those finger to pad apps and sent it them there where very glad and that dumb thing about no flash thing with adobe I think the new one will work much better than that Light House thing. One it will damage one device in time, So the I see one gave Googe has made it to Adobe but they cut down the hole thing to last just A BIT LOONGER THAN OLD ONE. It's support to work for three days ask them? If you like. But if they ever give the people one of Chrome unsolved app things you all so over the years I tried to destroy it by putting it thru everything one could, making it do things thought it would not do. I have to restore it a milline times and I could not understand I have had Chromebooks die with little or for no reason. But I did not realize that it was the company that had made it and not Googles doing, you want to know the reason it will not die. Here is the reason Bill. It'not an Imege bass Chroiumin like most Chromebooks and now lots of yours things like Edge that just chrome has alwats had that is without the hooks it would not have ever staied on windows, not then and not now so Edge doe sthe same and making windows as depended on the web is crayz. Ho you might like this it's bassick android software not chroium imige ware. ? Why did you not just put a swich in the back of Edge like Chrome did to get it speed that it had in the beging and still does if it's on windws or any software that's is something that works without the internet. Most do not understand the speeds you get with WEBWARE is be it the biggist RAM software anyone could want, So, Why don;t you tell them if they were to run there wonderfullly fan Prossesor with the old Windows like 7, 8 and even Windows 10 Aniversarry. First it would not run so fast AND TO WOULD LAST VERY LONG. bUT ON THE OTHER HAND THE NEW 10 OR EDGE DOES NOT RUN WELL AT ALL ON OLD HARDWARE DEVICES AT ALL. so IF you LIKE the QUESTION is why< BILL HO WHY> JUST PUT A SWICH in setting to make it RUN FASTER AND INSTEAD YOU AND THE OTHERS HAVE CONDEAMD OVER 100,OOO DEVICES TO THE DUMP AND MOST WILL END UP THERE WITH THERE BATTERIES. Well I geuss you did not tell the world that by 2030 you be all GREEN. The QUESTION IS " WHY BILL WHY " and you people that are part of the COMUINITY leave this one to him, He does not to hid he not the CEO?

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