Windows Defender update/backup deleted system files and drivers and now my computer has...

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I have had my Dell Inspiron 15, 7000 Series - 7537 laptop for probably ~2 years and have never touched the Dell backup and recovery tool. I have my own personal backup and never needed it. Recently (as in 2 days ago on 3/13/17) I ran Windows Defender. When I did, a new option came up that did an offline and more in depth security scan, as well as a backup and restoration thing. Now, I realize this may be a Dell issue, but the reason I post on here is because the security scan was what I assume initiated the Dell Backup and Recovery application.

The whole process took only about 30 minutes, so I was pleased at first. However, upon logging into my computer, I realized that it was running slower than normal which I figured was just the system double checking things or whatever (rookie mistake). I also realized that the audio on my computer wasn't functioning. When I say it wasn't functioning, I mean that neither the laptop speakers nor any other connected device (Bluetooth headphones/speaker and wired headphones through the audio jack) would produce any sound. Before someone says anything, no, the computer isn't muted, I've checked the device drivers and connections, and have done multiple hard/soft reboots in an attempt to possibly kick start it or re-download drivers, etc.

Since this was odd to me, I began looking on the internet to find possible solutions. However, when I tried accessing some of the system files/task manager/admin stuff in general I would often receive error messages such as (most are changed slightly, but look almost exactly like these):

Ex. 1

"C:Users\*omitted my name*\AppData\Local\Microscoft\Windows\WinX\Group2\5 - Task Manager.lnk

This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create and associating in the Default Programs control panel."

(When trying to access system programs such as Task Manager, Computer Management, Disk Management, etc.)

Ex. 2


Windows cannot find


Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again."

(When trying to access another program which I can’t remember at the moment.)

Since discovering this, it seems that these files may have been flagged and subsequently deleted from my computer as a virus during the offline scan process. The issue with this is that I can barely access anything. Almost anything relating to the system or admin that will possibly help fix this has been deleted/can’t be found. In addition to this, it takes anywhere from 3-10 minutes after clicking an action before the error message (or very rarely, an actual program) appears on the screen.

Please note that not all programs are affected in this way. Programs such as Chrome and Microsoft Office start as normal. Honestly, I have spent almost 3 days searching for any type of assistance with this and have yet to find anything else that fits this description. I would prefer not to reformat my computer or anything else similarly drastic until any and all other options have been exhausted. I have not yet run the computer in safe mode to possibly identify/fix issues because I have yet to find a method to get there that actually works with what is now a very broken computer.

Nothing I have tried has worked at all and I cannot find any suggestions to fix it or similar instances online. While most of these issues are fairly minor since the programs typically don't get much use, in this instance I need access to all of them to fix my computer and have next to none. Please help me with this. Any suggestions or help of any kind would be incredibly appreciated.

All that being said

Is this something that has happened to other people or is it just me?

Is there any way to fix this and what would that be?

Why exactly did this happen and how can I make sure it never does again?

*It’s important to note that while the backup and recovery program supposedly did backup the system, the program itself has apparently been corrupted or simply won’t open and gives an error similar to the first example.

**Another side note is that in the Windows Defender "History" tab, I am unable to "view details" as it gives another error message saying the system cannot find the specified file.

***The last note is that the computer still says everything is fine up until I select a program. Drivers are supposedly installed (in the case of the audio) and Windows Defender says there is no threat at all (which it claimed before the offline scan, after conducting both a “Quick Scan” and later, a “Full Scan” )

Moved from Windows

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