Windows 10 Windows Explorer steady 10% CPU usage high RAM usage increases <Resolved>

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I am having an issue on my home PC where Windows Explorer in the task manager is using between 8-10% CPU and RAM increases at a steady rate, I've let it get to 3GB's before I "restarted" it (right now hovering at 8% cpu and the RAM is at1,384.6 and increasing). This just started within the last week, before it would use about 64mb's with little to no cpu usage so I thought I would start the "fix-it" try and finally gave up and ended up here.

What I have done thus far is: Virus/Malware Scan (both windows and malwarebytes came up clean), CCleaner (temp files deletion, reg fixes and such), disc optimization(s), driver/windows update (shows up to date) installs & restart(s) of machine, device manager is clean (no driver update icons, nor error'd items), researched up to 2 years ago worth of "related problems / fixes", unplugged various usb attached items, made sure no missing pictured icons on desktop, deleted "sticky" posts, and cleared action center stuff. That's what I remember doing thus far, there may have been a couple steps i forgotten.

Specs: Windows 10 home, I9-9900k, 32 gb's ram, geforce rtx 2070 (if that matters).

Please keep in mind this just started recently and only thing installed was an Xbox (Beta) game in the last 3 weeks (other than driver / program updates).

**Edit 1: just did a sfc /scannow (saw suggestion is a recent post below mine where someone explained what and how to do this): "windows resource protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them" - doing a computer restart now

**Edit 1 Result: I've had computer up and running, since restart, for about 10 or so minutes and the problem appears resolved. CPU usage, other than when i move mouse across desktop, seems stable (little to none), RAM usage is at 52 mb's at time of typing this.

Sorry for the post, but leaving it incase it can show up for someone else searching for more recent help.

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