Windows 10 Windows has broken anti aliasing in some form severely affecting transparency rendering or adding transparency where it should not be.

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Gtx 1080 driver

Windows 10 1803

Samsung odyssey, Oculus rift (both show the same effect

A while back i started to get this jagged edge/shimmer issue after a reinstall . Ive reinstalled lots of different windows and driver versions. Hw changes. Windows 1709 showed some better results on vertical lines but steamVR refuse to work on that version to i cant really check it that only works in the corner on 1803. You will see what i mean in the first video. It is happening in every game also in native WMR

Keep in mind that this is over multiple hardware and the effect is on AMD graphic cards and Nvidia, Ryzen and Intel. All tested on windows 10 1803

This is in VR where the effect is magnified 10 times. With the HMD on the desk or on the head the effect is the same. For all youtube videos the effect will be diminished due to the youtube compressions, nothing i can do about this.

Ive been looking at it and discovered it has to do with some transparency (AA) issue (perhaps in combination with mipmapping) thats not being correctly applied.

Here is from WMR cliff house. Notice the vertical lines on the red window having pixelated edges that are always in motion (some hmd jitter). Oddly the corners are working correctly. These lines were solid and fine in windows 1709. The background shimmer lines and on foliage however is not and was the same for 1709 and 1803


Here is a very good example where it goes from working to not working depending on camera position. It is taken with a gopro trough the lens the the Oculus Rift


From DCS World in the KA50:

Notice the gauges where its mostly visible. Same goes for every knob in the cockpit, the white text and so on. menu text is also affected.

X plane


Now the only way to fix or do a workaround for this is 8x Transparency AA from the Nvidia control panel. This mainy works with MFAA. Does not work with HDR and/or Deferred shading. Pixel density/ supersampling has little to no effect on the majority. Only when 8x Transparency is enabled does it have a marginal effect. I have never in my life had to enable this before now. I used to be able to fly for example X plane with 2x SSAA or only FXAA. Now i need 8x SSAA + FXAA to get the same for transparency and flicker which tanks the performance to unplayable.

When enabling 8x SS transparency supersampling in control panel/inspector and my sims looks about what they did before. The severe boiling(shimmer feel is greatly reduced (almost gone)

This is DCS World 2.5.3 with only deferred shading available.


Its a little hard to see but things are far better with the transparency AA on, almost gone.

Jagged edges transparency AA bug on off

I will say it again so it sinks in. I did not have any issues like this prior to having to reinstall windows fresh after 1809 crippled my system. I have since done 7 reinstalls with litte to no change other than in 1709 where the edges of the box was solid and not crawling black/white. This needs to be properly investigated.

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