Windows 10 Windows Update causes issues with dock today

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mcurrier82
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Quick rundown: After updating windows this morning, one of my programs refuses to use my Nvidia GTX1050 card, only when hooked up to my dock. When the dock is unhooked, it opens just fine.

I have a Surface Book 2 with Windows 10 Pro, and I am using a J5 Create dock that I bought in November when my Surface Dock mysteriously stopped working after a Windows Update. I have had no issues until today immediately after another update.

The program is Chief Architect, and while I am using my dock to display to outside monitors, the program tells me that the video card I am using does not meet the software's minimum requirements. See image:

Does not make sense as I have been using Chief on this Surface book for months, along with Revit and Autocad (Both of which still work perfectly along with Witcher 3 and Fallout 4).

If I unplug the dock, I can open the program just fine. I can even then hook the dock back up and continue to use the program although with some scaling issues (going from 200% to 100%)

Things I have tried:

I have deleted what updates I could - This did not change anything.

Then I updated the video card straight from Nvidia - That did not change anything.

I tried to update the dock, but there was no updates available.

Through the Nvidia Control Panel, I have set Chief to only use the Nvidia card - This did not change anything.

Through Display Settings - Graphics Settings - Graphics performance preference, I have set Chief to use "High Performance - Nvidia GTX 1050" - This did not change anything.

I have bought a new J5 dock - This did not change anything.

At basically every step mentioned, I have restarted my machine to no avail.

I am extremely annoyed right now, and while I have a workaround I feel that this is the second time that an update has messed with my dock status. To the point that I am about to junk the Book and go back to a desktop, as Microsoft has not been able to provide any help other than providing me with a way to buy a refurbished unit at a reduced cost.

Anybody out there with some insight?

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