Windows 10 Windows update decided to install an older version of my bios and wrecked the battery charging functions...i fixed it but now cannot update to 1903...

  • Thread starter Thread starter DeneMessina
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After endless problems with windows update on my 1 year old asus laptup, i decided to give myself a treat last month because it was my birthday: It was the best present i could of given myself: I decided to not allow it to update at all in may so that i could use my computer without the usual snafu.

Of course, come june it was time to pay the piper : to download and install said updates so that i could play catch up and, perhaps unwisely upgrade to the much vaunted 1903 build....this is where it get's really annoying: surprisingly the updates i needed to bring me up to the threshold of 1903 actually downloaded with only one failed install that corrected the second time i tried...though there were some oddities: firstly i noticed that it had wiped my update history..o.k, annoying but not the end of the world, as winver showed that i was indeed up to date....buuuut...secondly and more disturbingly, update took it upon itself to flash my bios with what i thought must of been a newer, better version that came out in january of this year....unfortunately, at this time my battery seemed to go wonky, and would not charge, i spent the last 24hrs taking my laptop apart ( my battery is not the easilly removable sort), borrowing chargers, messing with calibration, monitoring software and the like...all to no avail...though i did think that it had something to do with the updates, i knew it was almost certainly impossible to roll back my bios to the earlier version and system restoring of course only removed the windows updates (leaving me with a now totally blank update history..grrrrr!!) with the problem unsolved and knowing that my machine was offering no further updates to bios, i decided to look on the asus site....lo and behold there was a later bios (6 months later in fact) available for me to, with much trepidation i flashed this new bios and thank satan it sorted out my battery problem.

Which is all well and good...until i realized that i wont be offered 1903 again until i reinstall the updates: including the rogue bios "update" that caused such chagrin.... am i being offered this older and faulty bios because 1903 won't work with the latset, non-faulty one, or did update just decide to throw that one in out of pure sadism? either way it doesn't look like i'm getting 1903 without screwing up my battery charging again (the last time decreased it's health permanantly by 6% btw).....any solutions?...anybody? ...sigh......

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