Windows 10 With Containers features now inside of Windows 10 Is there a GUI to view what is running

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Hello with the Containers features now included as a add Windows feature, How can we get a good view of what containers are running? A list or control panel option, or a snap in to add and remove containers on a system?

This photo is from what I assume is live containers running inside this Windows 10 system with a relationship to Hypervisor or VMware inside of Windows Firewall With Advanced security.

I have been wondering for over 9 months now. I found them while running permission tests also pre being seen inside of Windows Firewall and reinstalled the whole OS direct from the Microsoft website wiped out all of the partitions also on the storage drive to get rid of them to check for DCO or HPA hidden issues on the drive, they are back now however I can see them inside of Windows firewall now. I even asked the Professor on our test VMs for class if the base images we had to install for class assignment if we were suppose to find a cyber security issues that were pulled from the College's Azure account. As if it was a pre made autopilot VM with a built in small bug that we as students needed to find. He said no they are clean images used only for learning, so that is out of the question. He reassured me this was not part of the assignment it was clean images. I know I am a student, and learned about containers and using docker in the Windows Server class, so I may now have been wondering more and more and noticed them however this is a clean install.

However I stated to think, with containers now inside of Windows 10, how can I get a docker image list? How can I view what is on the system that relates to the containers in a GUI based list? Where can a admin see containers if it is a Windows feature now. If a system was autopiloted with a invasive set of containers running and you have no way to track them this causes issues. If windows adds this now as a feature that says "containers" where is my full container control as administrator of my system. With Azure and autopilot what if a container is just pushed down on a personal device that is not company owned and it is invasive? I start going down routes as a cyber security student, so where can we find the lists now when I turn this feature on. Keep in mind the firewall lists run without the feature enabled.

Long story short, where can I see a Microsoft signed list of containers and virus scan them or see when they were installed time dates so on?

Where can we see the containers outside of command line?

If we can enable the containers features how can we get a list of them?

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