Windows 10 WMR Headset has no display, no matter what I do.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zyiael
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Hi all!

I have been working on this issue for literal HOURS at this point. I'm at the emotional level of a two year old from the frustration and am gearing up to throw this WMR headset off of my balcony and forget about it's existence. But, I also hate not fixing technological issues, so I'm hoping those of you here can help me.

I have the (what appears to be) infamous black screen in my Acer WMR headset. I bought the stupid thing in November of 2018, so I've only had it for sixish, maybe seven months. I had noticed last year that occasionally, the display within the headset just would refuse to turn on... however, restarting my computer A LOT or unplugging it/plugging it back in (a lot) would fix the issue for a while, so I didn't think much of it. Like with all shiny, new tech, I grew bored of the like three VR games I had available to me at the time and stopped using it for a few months, occasionally picking it back up and playing it without issues in January, February, and March of this year.

I normally just kept the headset plugged in and occasionally the stupid thing would turn on and open the Mixed Reality Portal when I picked up my drink from in front of it. Note, the display within the headset also would come on. So, I turned the headset away from where I keep my drink and that stopped the issue. Fast forward to today (or several days ago, really.)

My headset had been plugged in as per usual. I picked it up to put it on my head and the Mixed Reality Portal came up like normal... but the display didn't turn on. No big D, I'll just unplug/plug it back in repeatedly until it works. It didn't work. So I tried restarting my computer a bunch. That didn't work. So I tried updating every driver known to man. ...That also didn't work.

I went to Google to see about other fixes... these are the things I've done thus far:

  • Made sure my graphics card drivers and WMR drivers were all up to date. (They are.)
  • Made sure Windows is entirely up to date. (It is.)
  • Uninstalled all WMR drivers/programs, including SteamVR and it's related components to make SteamVR work with WMR, and reinstalled them.
  • I tried unplugging the headset, restarting the computer, and plugging the headset back in.
  • I turned every EVERY SINGLE Windows power option for turning off my USB devices to save power. This includes Windows' fast boot crap.
  • I went to see if my Nvidia Control Panel had the Stereoscopic 3D section to turn that crap off. Mine does not have this section.
  • I've made sure my monitors (I have two of them) were both at 60hz with their native resolutions. (They are.)
  • I tried changing the WMR headset display settings to Automatic, 60hz, and 90hz.
    • Automatic and 90hz allowed me to see tracking on my computer, but not within my headset.
    • 60hz made me unable to see tracking on my computer AND the display was still off. Mixed Reality Portal simply says "Ready," even though audio for the cliff house is still playing.
  • My cord connections are solid. I am using the 3.0 USB port on my computer. I have three 3.0 ports and they've worked for me in the past. I have one HDMI port (that isn't my motherboard HDMI port) and it worked at one point. None of the ports are loose and all ports work with other devices.
    • My HDMI port works to use my TV as a display.
    • The 3.0 USB port on top of my computer is often used for charging my Note 8
    • The two 3.0 USB ports on the back of my computer both work with my external speakers.
    • My headset's cords are straight, unkinked, with no signs of them being wonky from the outside.
  • I've tried unplugging my second monitor to see if that was causing the issue. No change.
  • Dynamic Screen Resolution is off in my NVIDIA control panel. It's never been on.

Things I can't currently try:

  • I do not have a HDMI to Displayport adapter to attempt using my third displayport. I actually hate the fact that I even have to consider this a "fix."
  • I do not have another HDMI port to try switching to.
  • I do not have a 3.0 USB Hub to attempt using.

Things I haven't tried, but really don't want to unless I have zero choice:

  • I haven't rolled back my Windows version.
  • I haven't rolled back my graphics card driver version.
  • I haven't reset my PC. It basically deletes every single video game I own and I'll have to reinstall every single one of them after the reset.

I'd like to mention again that this WMR headset did work at one point on this computer. It's never been dropped, beating, thrown, or otherwise harmed. Nothing has been spilled on it. I just didn't use it for like two months.

Here's a picture of my dxdiag:

I'm on Windows 10 Version 1809. I checked for updates, again, at 6:57am, and it still says I'm entirely up to date.

My NVIDIA Graphics Driver is version 430.64, which is the latest download according to the GeForce Experience program.

I'm on a Lenovo computer, so I do not have Dell's TrueColor thing to turn off.

Here's a picture of my device manager currently with the headset plugged in (but the display inside said headset still off). I also included the properties of the headset where I've unchecked the power management thing. I've also gone into the properties of all USB devices and unchecked that box, if Power Management was available:

I'll note that all of the WMR things in Device Manager says the device is working properly.

I looked within the Event Viewer to see if there were any errors that may be causing this. The event IDs I see giving "errors" are 411, 10016, and 1000, none of which seem to be related to the WMR headset based on very fast Google searching, but I know close to nothing about diagnosing errors from the Event Viewer. None of the errors are thrown repeatedly and they don't seem to appear from me unplugging/replugging the headset in.

Here's what my task manager looks like with the Mixed Reality Portal open:

So basically, I have no idea what's wrong with this headset short of it actually just being broken. I'd really like to HOPE that isn't the case and hope maybe one of you lovely people here can help me fix this headset so I can return to enjoying this headset as I did before Tuesday of this week where it became my nightmare.

I appreciate ANY advice, suggestions, or tips I can try to fix this!

Thanks so much!

For those of you wondering, my computer is named DeathCube because I bought a Lenovo cube early last year and I decided it looked like an angry, square helmet with tiny legs. So I named it the DeathCube.

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